
12th, Janurary School

I talked about school with my classmates today. Ikumi has been to driving school named Jyouhoku. Kimika has never studied at a juku because she wanted to study by herself.  Keiko has had lessons for dance every Thursday. Kana work at Nets as a tutor. Yuka likes being a student because she has a lot of time to do what she wants.  Kisato has a teacher who is too strick, her English teacher. Mai, S has visited her school, Daiichi at the Coming of Age Day. Misato's cousin is in graduate school.

After talking, we saw two presentation. The first was Kaera Kimura by Kotomi, and the second was the Studio Ghibli by Hitomi.  First presentation by Kotomi is good, because she introduced to many details about Kaera's personality and her job as a singer and her family, her husband and son. Hitomi's presentation is also nice, she was good at categorizing each section. I liked the slide named favorite flying things.

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